Tales and musings of a recovering perfectionist loving my ADHD, strong-willed household...only by the grace of God!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Finding Your Strong Tower
Saturday, October 23, 2010
"We have met the enemy and he is us" Walt Kelly
I'm thinking lately of all the things and excuses that I have let stand in my way of getting to where I want to be....or better yet, where God wants me to be. The dictionary definition refers to being antagonistic to another. However, I am coming to the conclusion that sometimes I become overly disappointed with myself. I am my own worst enemy...hence the eneME.
Eventually (I would like to say that it is taking less and less time, but still a work in progress), I start to realize that I am not as content. My feelings start to rule, and I start to believe that it's easier to give up then continue to fight. It takes courage to face our discouragement.
I have definitely noticed though that what I focus on can be used against me. When I get too busy to take time for devotions or I listen too much to music that doesn't lift me up, I start feeling like I'm losing the battle. The enemy starts to win and gains ground. Thankfully, God loves me (and you) too much to leave us alone to fight this battle.
The battle for our mind is ongoing. We need to remember and keep reminding ourselves that we already have an enemy pursuing us. Resist and stand firm. Realize that God helps us fight ALL enemies....even the one within ourselves.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Slipping of the Mask
it covers the feelings we don't think we should show.
We may feel sad or bad inside
or those feelings of anger we think we can hide.
But, we cover them up with the mask we wear.
Sometimes other people we're trying to spare
from the feelings of pain that don't go away.
We struggle and make it through one more day
Why does life sometimes seem so tough?
That no matter what we do it just isn't enough?
We try so hard to be what we think others want us to be
and in the process, we lose our me.
We might be an adult, but still feel like a child
inside where we hide our inside wild with our mask of mild.
The mask shows a smile when we'd rather cry.
Friends and family might try
to help us see......
it's enough "just" being me.
We hang around people with a smile on their face.
Our mask quickly slips back into place.
But what if their smile is also their mask?
We'll never know if we don't take time to ask.
When we stop being what we think people want or need us to be,
we find the mask can come off. It's enough to be me.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Feel your pain
Pain: physical, mental, emotional. Pain can have a good result as in the birth of a baby. That pain is sometimes quickly forgotten when we see that little one we have been waiting for. Pain can keep us from further hurting ourselves as in feeling a hot stove and knowing we need to keep our hand away....or get burned.
"I feel your pain" Bill Clinton
Pain is unique to the person. What brings pain to one of us might not cause someone else to even think twice about it. While we can empathize with someone else going through a painful situation, it is impossible for us to know exactly what that person feels. Some people refer to themselves as having a high pain tolerance.
However, it seems we have become a people eager to dull or remove our pain....or find evasive action as listed in the dictionary. There is a pill for everything that ails you. We can get so busy running around and keeping busy that the only way we slow down is when something starts to hurt. Pain can serve a greater purpose by letting us know there's something wrong. We need to feel our own individual pains before we can reach out to others and help them through their pain.
We are promised a coming day though when there will be no more pain. Until then, may our pain never be wasted. May we learn and grow through it and bring it to the ultimate healer.
Revelation 21:4 (NIV) He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."