Lazarus, as well as his sisters Mary and Martha, was a friend of Jesus. While Jesus was out of town, his friend became sick. His sisters sent word to Jesus and the disciples that Lazarus was sick. They knew that if Jesus could come back there, He could make Lazarus better. Jesus would heal him. They had seen Him perform miracles! However, by the time Jesus returned to their city, Lazarus had already been dead for 4 days. His family and friends were devastated and weary from grief.
They went to visit the tomb where Lazarus was. There was a stone placed in front of the tomb. The family and friends were crying. Jesus wept. The friends were thinking oh Jesus loved Lazarus so much. And He did. He also knew that this was a way to show people what could still be done for Lazarus.
Jesus prayed and said for Lazarus to come out. He did!
The extra thing I heard recently and the more I think about it makes a lot of sense is that Jesus may not have only been weeping over losing a friend. Jesus had the additional knowledge of the glorious place Lazarus had been and what He was bringing Lazarus back to.
Even as Christians and the promise of eternal life, death is hard, painful and sometimes almost unbearable. We do not see our family or friend. We can't just ring them up on the phone. We see and hear things that remind of us those we miss. We weep.
In the day to day grief, knowing there is a better place to be than the earth around us helps. Most days. Some days we just miss them so much that even knowing doesn't seem enough.The waiting just seems too long.
The miracle of Lazarus made some people angry and further set the wheels in motion leading toward the death of Jesus. People expected a King. Jesus is not the King they expected. Some of the same people that were amazed at the miracles were the same people that were later yelling "crucify him!"
Later, Jesus would be placed in a tomb behind a large stone, when His friends came weeping.....He was no longer in the tomb.
The full story of Lazarus is in John 11. is an excellent resource for looking up Bible (MANY versions) books, chapters, verses and words.
John 14:2 (NIV) My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
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