Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Different New Year

A Different New Year

We started the year with you here
Now it's been months with you gone.
The days go so slow, but already a new year will begin.

I pick up the phone to call you a few times a week
I still haven't erased your number from my phone
It hurts to not get calls from you or hugs or I love yous
It hurts because you were loved

We drive past the cemetery
We stop when we can
Even though it's just a slab in the ground
It helps to be near you
To think of you

We look at pictures
Of you
With us
We smile through tears
As we remember

I've learned some things to start this New Year
Not resolutions, they don't seem to last.

Not to take people or the time
they so willingly share for granted.
To smile more.
To hug more.
To say I love you MORE.
TODAY when possible not put off for tomorrow
because tomorrow become todays and yesterdays.

Yesterdays are what we remember
But we will continue to live in today
So we'll start our different new year
Like a new chapter in an ongoing book
Characters will come and love and leave
This is not The End...

kl 12-31-15

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